Throughout the Holy Bible there are instances whereby God performed mighty miracles through his son Jesus Christ. Blinded eyes were opened, the lame walked, the deaf were able to hear and the sick were made whole. To me, the most miraculous act performed by Jesus was when he conquered death and hell. Through his crucifixion, mankind was granted the opportunity to be free from sin, once and for all. No longer did we have to live in bondage and die a defeated life. Many days, I cried and asked God why did I have to suffer and see another day's dawning. I felt that my life was not worth living. Like my fellow brother in Christ, Job, I longed the taste of death. I couldn't, for the sake of me, understand the trials and tribulations I was experiencing. I had been repeatedly sexually molested, I was suicidal, I was promiscuous, I lacked self esteem, I was mentally abused, I was severely depressed and the list just went on and on. Every time I attempted to end my life, God held back the death angel from granting me my heart's desire. Little did I know that God was going to work a miracle in my life!
Go with me as I reveal some of the innermost secrets of my heart. Learn of the power and manifestation of the Holy Spirit, sent forth by the only true and living God. Our God is a deliverer and a present help in time of trouble. I hope that sharing my past experiences with others will be a tool of deliverance for someone else, who like my self in times past, found it almost impossible to adjust to life's situations. It is also my sincere desire that I, too, can achieve even more liberty in God as I continue to be set free from the shackles of Satan.